
Setting up this blog

Wow, setting up this blog was WAY more of a pain than it probably should’ve been.

The vast majority of the time was spent trying to get GitHub Pages and Jekyll themes to play nice together, which I finally realised was because GH Pages uses an old version of Minima; so the _config.yml options I was trying to use weren’t valid!

I briefly considered switching to Astro, but found it to be a bit too complex for the simple site I was trying to build, so threw that idea out pretty quickly.

Now I’ve decided to switch to the Chirpy theme after seeing it on someone elses blog and thinking it looked waaaay better than Minima.

Regardless of some of the issues I had building this static site it’s been fun, I remember trying something like this a few years ago, also with Jekyll if I remember right, and had nothing but problems trying to get my layouts to look right (which, in hindsight, was definitely entirely my fault) and giving up on the idea. So I’m glad to have this set up now!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.