
PicoCTF - "hideme"

Solving "hideme" by Geoffrey Njogu

See the challenge by Geoffrey Njogu


The SOC analyst saw one image been sent back and forth between two people. They decided to investigate and found out that there was more than what meets the eye here.


We’re given one file, flag.png. The problem did have a steganography tag, so it was fairly obvious where to start. strings spat out some possibly useful info? As you can see:

strings result

Ok, I’ll check with zsteg then.

zsteg result

Ah, some data after the end of the image. A zip archive! Okay. I used binwalk to extract it.

binwalk extract

Progress! The extracted data contained a secret folder, which contained another flag.png. But this time, it was actually the flag!

flag in the secret image

This was easy enough to extract with OCR (thanks, windows snipping tool) and then hand correct.

That was a fun one!

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